Education is the key to the future of our country!

As our nation’s most vital asset is its educated people and good school education proves to be the highest-yielding asset, Kaamos Group has made it its priority to support educational projects. 

To provide targeted support for educational projects, we have established the foundation Targem Tulevik (Smarter Future), which focuses solely on the field of education.

The foundation is set to fund projects that allow to improve the quality of education in Estonia, the skills and knowledge of educators, etc.

The activities of the foundation are financed by Kaamos Group, as well as voluntary donations. We have already contributed to several projects, such as so called Technology School Kood/Jõhvi, a development program Noored Kooli, we established the scholarship for a new teacher in Saaremaa and signed a research cooperation agreement with  Taltech.

Entrepreneurs as well as private individuals can contribute to supporting education in Estonia.

SA Targem Tulevik
Swedbank EE712200221082059706

Payment explanation: Donation

Kaamos’ sincere wish and goal is to set a good example for Estonian entrepreneurs, as educated people are the key to the future success of our country.

We are looking forward to your cooperation proposals to support the field of education: